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CVS Warrior Bracelet – Awareness Bracelet for Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $30.00.


CVS is an abbreviation for the condition known as Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. CVS is a potentially debilitating  disorder of children and adults that was first described in 1882. It is is characterized by recurrent, prolonged attacks of severe nausea, vomiting and prostration with no apparent cause. In some there is severe abdominal pain. Vomiting occurs at frequent intervals for hours or days (1-4 days, most commonly). The episodes tend to be similar to each other in symptoms and duration and are self-limited with return of normal health between episodes. This condition is widely misunderstood by the medical profession and much research still needs to be done.

We at High Caliber Creations have a personal reason to promote CVS awareness, as one of our founders has this debilitating disorder. Interestingly, it is believed that Charles Darwin may have had this disorder,so we are in good company!  If any fellow CVS sufferers have ideas or requests for other products, please let us know. Also, we will be featuring sterling silver products in the near future.

The pictured item features a base metal nickel free bracelet that has royal blue micro cord woven over it, but you can choose other colors from the drop down list. If you want a color that is not listed, please email us and we will try to accommodate your request.

The plate is engraved with the words CVS Warrior. (If you prefer a different inscription other than CVS Warrior, let us know and we will try to accommodate your request.)

We are also able to use a different color of microcord – just email us and let us know what color you want and we will let you know if we have it in stock.

For an extra fee, you can have extra information such as your birth date, an emergency phone number etc. engraved on the underside of the plate.